Greetings all,
Today we left Eric and Darlene "home alone." They had keys to the flat and some ideas about what to do and the address of our school, International House, if they needed to find us (about 6 blocks from the flat). For the most part, the city is on a grid system and is fairly easy to navigate.
Well, today was our second review for the course, we're about 2/3 of the way through now. Gary met with Liz and I met with Maeve (our current tutors). It went well, we've not been kicked out. We were rated on the many different standards and given a rating of NS (not to standard), S (to standard) or S+ (above standard). NS is not unusual, even at this stage of the course. There are so many standards that they don't expect you to be at standard for "all" at this time. I was thrilled as I got several very unexpected S+'s. Quite surprising actually...
In the afternoon Gary got to observe David teaching the pre-intermediate (lowest level) students and got to see Liz teach the upper intermediate (highest level) students. Teaching the uppers will be a challenge for me and my group as we are expected to now incorporate delayed and immediate error correction during our lessons. In the lower levels that is limited. Gary is going to have a great time with the lower level as expectations for teaching are at a basic level (economy of language--meaning limit what you say and keep it simple as they're comprehension is limited).
We came home after a full day and found that Eric and Darlene had found a coffee shop and a great place to have pastries. We've got a great day planned tomorrow...see you then!
Love and hugs from BCN,
Ellie and Gary
BELOW: This photo begged to be taken.....
BELOW: View from our terrace (great photo Gary!)