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BARCELONA: DAY 50--GRAMMAR GALORE--Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15, 2014  •  Leave a Comment



Well, today was my day to teach.  I had to teach past habits/the difference between "would" and "used to."

I finally get what it means to be student focused and not teacher focused.  Essentially, you need to not teach (unless absolutely necessary) and you can do three things:  1) give context for activities and the lessons, 2) ask the students questions and ask meaning check questions, and 3) praise the students when they do/say something correct or when they are incorrect.  Period.  Of course I do over simplify a bit.  I'll try to find a video (short one) for you to watch.

My evaluation from Maeve was really good.  "It was a good solid grammar lesson Ellie!"  Whooooo hooooooooo!

We've set things in motion to get a new flat....more on that as it progresses.

GeGe, the repair person also came today to "fix" the shower.  After about 2 hours of pounding, singing, talking to himself he declared something in Spanish and started waving his hands.  I got out my iPad with translation software and he said he needed to go get a part.  So off he went.  About an hour later he again declared something in Spanish.  And once again we had a conversation via the software.  He will be back tomorrow.  Now in American, when a repair person or builder says that they will be back tomorrow--they could be back tomorrow or next week or in 3 days.  So we are not hopeful.

Gary and I both have a bit of a cold and once again "Kick Ass" is my friend.  Without a doubt the best thing to fight a cold or sore throat.  Tastes unbelievably awful but works like a charm.

Love you all,

Ellie and Gary





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